01. GFNPSS-International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (ISSN-2582-693X) Is an international peer reviewed journal providing an opportunity to researchers and scientist to publish their original research, Clinical research and invited review manuscript covering all aspect of Medical, Dental, Ayurveda, BHMS, UNANI, SIDDHA, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Pharmacy, and all paramedical department.
02. The journal welcomes manuscript submission of all areas of All Medical field.
03. The journal is going with the pace of the objectives laid down at its establishment. In addition, the editorial boards hope that the journal will help the readers in education, guidance, consultation and implementation of evidence-based practice in clinical, education and community.
04. Journal will give the great efforts for the welfare of society and medical profession.
05. Journal is published by Global Foundation for Nursing Profession and Social Services (Registered Under Rajasthan Trust act 1959 and its registered Number 34/2017 and its website https://gfnpss.org)